What is Somatropin?

Written by Private: Dr. M. Adams on
Medically reviewed by Private: Dr. M. Adams
Reviewed Standarts

Somatropin is an injectable form of human growth hormone or HGH. It is prescribed for children who are failing to meet age-appropriate growth milestones and for the replacement of growth hormone in adults with “adult-onset” or “age-related” growth hormone deficiency (GHD).


It can be found in its generic form, and it is also sold under several brand names, including:

  • Omnitrope
  • Genotropin
  • Norditropin
  • Zomacton
  • Humatrope
  • Saizen
  • Zorbtive
  • Serostim

All of these versions of Somatropin can be found on our products page. They are equally effective in treating adults with growth hormone deficiency and differ only in their relative prices, available doses, and injection methods.

Somatropin Benefits

When used as prescribed for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency, Genotropin has many benefits. In addition to increased skeletal, cell, and organ growth enabling children to achieve proper stature, other documented benefits of Genotropin in children and adults include:

  • Increased protein metabolism
  • Improved carbohydrate metabolism
  • Improved lipid Metabolism
  • Increases in lean body mass.
  • Improved Mineral Metabolism – particularly resulting in an increase in bodily potassium and phosphorus levels.
  • Improved tissue metabolism – particularly an increase in collagen production
  • Increased ability to build lean muscle.
  • Improved athletic performance.
  • Improved bone density.
  • Increased muscle mass.
  • Weight loss
  • Lowered blood pressure.

Somatropin Side Effects and Warnings

This medication is FDA-approved for treating growth hormone deficiency in men, women, and children. It is made from human DNA and closely matches the HGH normally produced by the pituitary gland. As such, it is generally regarded as safe. However, as with any prescription medication, it does have some possible side effects.

Some of the more common side effects of Somatropin include the following:

  • Injection site reactions such as pain, redness/swelling, inflammation, bleeding, scarring, or rash.
  • Fat loss
  • Joint Pain
  • Muscle Pain
  • Headache
  • Abdominal pain
  • Blood in the urine
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Knee Pain;
  • Low thyroid activity
  • Mildly increased blood sugar.
  • Fluid retention
  • See your medication’s insert for a complete list of potential side effects.

Warnings & Precautions

According to all makers and distributors of Somatropin:

  • It should not be prescribed for children once all growth plates have closed.
  • In some cases with specific cancers, it is contraindicated for cancer patients as it may encourage the growth of cancer cells.
  • It is contraindicated in patients who are suffering from severe illness, particularly respiratory issues, or patients who are recovering from trauma or surgery.
  • It should not be prescribed for children with PWS who are obese or have respiratory issues.
  • It should not be prescribed for patients who are known to be allergic to Somatropin or any of the other ingredients that can be found in its assorted brands for injection.

Allergic reactions can occur with this medication. Be sure to tell your doctor of any allergies to any medicines you have had.

These are not all contraindications regarding this medication’s use. Be sure to tell your doctor of any medical conditions you may have.

Drug interactions can occur on this medication. Please tell your healthcare provider about all medications you may be taking, including over-the-counter medicines and supplements.

Do not use this medication without a prescription or medical advice.

Can You Overdose on Somatropin>?

As long as it is used as directed, an overdose of this medication is rare. Accidental overdose can result in:

  • Anxiety
  • Blurred vision
  • Cold sweats
  • Depression
  • Extreme weakness
  • Increase in hands and feet size
  • Increased hunger
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased urination
  • Pain in the arms or legs
  • Seizures

As with any medication, in case of accidental overdose, seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222. Keep Somatropin and all prescription medications out of the reach of children.

How is Somatropin Administered?

Somatropin can be prescribed in a number of different ways designed to suit many different patient needs and lifestyles. All require self-injections. This medication is available for use with a variety of proprietary injectable devices or with standard syringes. The injectable devices include the Genotropin® Multiuse Pen and the Genotropin MiniQuick® pen, which are quite popular with adults who have been prescribed HGH injections to treat age-related growth hormone deficiency.

All somatropin treatment is given via subcutaneous injections, which means just below the skin. You will be shown exactly how to administer your particular Somatropin injections.

Dosage and Storage Information for Somatropin

The dosage of this medication varies by your age, body weight, and the condition it is being prescribed for. Due to the many different brands and types of Somatropin, there are quite a few different dosages available. You and your healthcare provider will determine which is best for you based on your presenting symptoms, diagnosis, and lifestyle.

It is recommended that all versions of HGH should be stored under refrigeration at 36°F to 46°F (2°C to 8°C). All brands of HGH injections should never be frozen, and this medication should be kept out of direct light.

The manufacturers of injectable pen devices say that you can store the pen in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours before use.


Do I Need a Prescription for Somatropin HGH?

This is a prescription medicine. You cannot buy any brand of Somatropin without a prescription. Any product that you can buy without a prescription that claims to be human growth hormone or contain HGH, cannot by US law contain any real HGH. Similarly, all brands and types of genuine HGH are only to be taken via injections. Real growth hormone treatment does not come in pill form or any other form than as an injectable solution.

Buying any product that claims to be HGH or to contain Somatropin without a prescription is not only illegal; it can be hazardous to your health. These products are often counterfeits of the brand names of HGH listed on this page, which contain inferior-quality HGH, if they contain any HGH at all. They may also contain other ingredients which could be toxic and even pose a risk of death..

Do not risk your health and safety by ever buying HGH without a prescription. Any of the adverse effects of HGH listed above become far more likely if you use HGH without a prescription and proper medical supervision.

How to Get a Prescription for Somatropin?

While you must have a prescription for Somatropin, if you really need it, getting a prescription is not that difficult. But you must do so the legal and right way. It all starts with contacting us by filling out our getting started form or medical history form. Once you do so, we will be happy to walk you through the entire process of diagnosis, prescription, and legal purchase of HGH injections.

How to Buy Somatropin in the US

As mentioned above, you must have a legitimate doctor’s prescription to purchase Somatropin in the US. Once you have a prescription, you may be able to buy this medication online, but only from sellers like Nexel Medical that follow strict FDA and DEA regulations for prescribing and selling prescription medications online.

Where Should I Buy Somatropin

Any doctor can diagnose you with GHD and write you a prescription for Somatropin, and theoretically, you can fill that prescription with any legitimate seller of HGH. However, none of that is to say that you should get your HGH injections from just any doctor or healthcare provider. You want to work with a clinic like ours that specializes in testing and treating age-related hormone loss in men and women.


Our doctors and entire staff have years of experience in prescribing HGH and other hormone replacement therapies. We also take a holistic approach to treating age-related GHD that takes all of your hormones into consideration, and we will design a program customized for you that could include other therapies like testosterone replacement.

We will also monitor you throughout your course of taking Somatropin and provide you with lifestyle counseling to make sure you get the most out of your treatment.

Now that you know a lot more about how to obtain and use Somatropin, why not Contact Us today to find out more about HGH?

Frequently Asked Questions About Somatropin

Is Somatropin available with a prescription only?

Yes. Like all forms of genuine growth hormone therapy injections, Somatropin is a prescription medication. Somatropin is a synthetic form of human growth hormone (HGH) made from human DNA. In all of its forms, this medicine is a controlled substance and is only available with a doctor’s prescription.

Why can’t I buy Somatropin without a prescription?

Somatropin is an FDA-approved prescription medication indicated for the treatment of patients diagnosed with growth hormone deficiencies. Like any prescription medication, it cannot be legally obtained without a doctor’s prescription. Any other use of HGH without a prescription is not only illegal, but it could also be hazardous to your health.

What dosage of Somatropin should I buy?

It is not up to you what dosage of Somatropin to buy. Your doctor will prescribe the adequate dose of HGH for you to purchase based on your symptoms, needs, and lifestyle.

Is Somatropin legal?

Somatropin is perfectly legal when obtained with a doctor’s prescription and used under proper medical supervision. It is illegal to obtain or use Somatropin or any form of HGH without a prescription. HGH is banned as a performance-enhancing drug by most major sports organizations, but is it legal to use by medical patients with a prescription?

Is Somatropin FDA-approved?

Somatropin is FDA-approved for treating men, women, and children with growth hormone deficiency. It is also approved for the treatment of muscle wasting caused by HIV/AIDS and other degenerative muscle disorders.

How to tell if Somatropin is real?

Unfortunately, there have been reports of “fake” or counterfeit Somatropin pens being sold on the black market. You can be sure that any HGH device you get from a legitimate pharmacy with an authentic doctor’s prescription is a genuine article. Certainly, any HGH pens you purchase through our clinic will be the real drug.

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