What Happens When You Stop Testosterone Therapy

Know What Happens When You Stop Using Testosterone Therapy

It can sound quite dire if you were to believe everything that you read online, especially on some of the bodybuilding blogs and other muscle-obsessed websites. But do you really know what happens when you stop testosterone therapy after using it for a while? Is there any accuracy to some of the comments posted online regarding what it’s like to withdraw from supplemental male hormone use?

For a more balanced viewpoint, rather than that of people who are usually not using testosterone with medical authorization and supervision, why not read what the medical specialists who legally prescribe this type of hormone replacement therapy have to say about it? Since they know that not every patient who undertakes a TRT program is going to stay on it indefinitely (although many patients do), they need to understand what is likely to happen when treatment is stopped – and that it is probably going to differ among patients.

However, the most important thing to remember in regard to what happens if you stop using testosterone therapy is that it will go much more smoothly if you involve your hormone therapy doctor in the process. If for any reason the suggestion to stop comes from your doctor, then that reason should be thoroughly explained to you. But if your treating has been going well and you have decided to stop for your own personal reasons, then it is imperative to discuss this decision with your prescribing physician so that he or she can help you to make as smooth a transition as possible.

Stopping your TRT program abruptly or without your doctor’s knowledge (and input) is never a good idea; it can trigger unwanted side effects or withdrawal reactions that your doctor can help you to avoid. There’s a correct way to end your use of bio-identical testosterone, just as there is a correct to use it. So give your TRT doctor the opportunity to show you the right way to stop.

How to Avoid Unwanted Side Effects If You Stop Low T Treatment

How to Avoid Unwanted Side Effects If You Stop Low T Treatment

If you have followed your prescribed program as instructed by your doctor and this includes having your blood tests performed as required, then your doctor will have an accurate picture of how your therapy has been progressing. By knowing exactly what stage of treatment you are in, your doctor will be better able to anticipate what happens when you stop testosterone therapy and can assist you in preparing for it.

Not all patients react in the same manner and honestly, it is the individuals who have not followed their programs (assuming they are legally receiving treatment) and have managed to excessively increase their testosterone levels that are going to have the most difficult time transitioning off. Most patients on a medically supervised program can be tapered off; and since the goal of their treatments has been to return Low T levels to the normal range, their bodies will have a much easier time making the adjustment.

They might temporarily experience headaches and other minor effects as their bodies adjust to having a declining testosterone supply, but serious effects are rare for patients who have used their treatment responsibly. What has to be anticipated by anyone stopping TRT, however, is the decline of the positive benefits that this therapy has been providing. Those who have received the most results are probably going to find it the hardest to adjust to the loss of the strong sexual desire; abundant energy; emotional wellbeing; fat loss; and muscle improvements that their treatment program has given to them.

Having A Good Testosterone Therapy Doctor Is Indispensible

A good testosterone replacement therapy doctor to have is one that respects your decision to stop treatment and supports you by making your transition a minimally disruptive one.  A good TRT doctor help you to understand what happens when you stop testosterone therapy by explaining how your body will adjust – and how long it is likely to take.

Any hormone therapy medical provider who abandons you if you decide to stop treatment does not have your best health care interests in mind. Unfortunately, there are a number of clinics and doctors whose main priority is to sell as much testosterone to patients as possible. This practice definitely does not represent responsible and compassionate medical care. In some cases, if the proper treatment procedures are not being followed, it is not even legal.

Ending a testosterone replacement program can be easy or it can be difficult; having a good hormone therapy medical provider will greatly increase your chances of having a much easier transition. At Nexel Medical, all of our TRT providers are “good doctors” – because they are extensively experienced, extremely qualified and care very much about the wellbeing of all of our patients, even after their treatment has been ended.

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