Testosterone Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Testosterone Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

What is a testosterone deficiency? The absence of enough of the vital hormone testosterone (called low T) within the blood stream for optimal health in both men and women is the basic testosterone deficiency definition. Testosterone is necessary in different amounts in both males and females. Men need more testosterone than women do, but understanding the importance of having correctly balanced amounts in both genders is important to feel strong and healthy.

A testosterone deficiency in males can cause lack of sexual desire and erectile dysfunction, lack of strength and loss of muscles. The most defining symptoms of a testosterone deficiency in women are her lack of sexual desire and a more stressful and difficult time going through menopause.

In men, testosterone is created within the testes and in women, the hormone is created in her ovaries. In both genders, a small amount of testosterone is made in the adrenal glands. There are several causes of a testosterone deficiency.

List of testosterone deficiency causes:

  • The aging process
  • A brain tumor
  • Brain surgery
  • A tumor on the pituitary or hypothalamus
  • Infection
  • Chemotherapy or radiation for the treatment of cancer
  • The loss of a testicle
  • The loss of ovaries

The natural process of aging is the most common cause of low T in all men and women sometime after they turn 30. As the body grows older in time, all its organs and glands slow down. This will include the pituitary gland which signals both the testes (in men) and the ovaries (in women) to produce testosterone. If these organs are not working properly, they will not make enough testosterone and hence, leave a person with a testosterone deficiency.

What is the treatment for a testosterone deficiency?

What is the Treatment for a Testosterone Deficiency?

The best kind of treatment for a male testosterone deficiency is using doctor prescribed intramuscular testosterone injections. For women, doctors will prescribe a jelly, cream or gel to apply to the skin for treatment. Along with medication, a person is always advised to eat properly, sleep enough hours, exercise daily, keep stress levels low and to never smoke.

Do I have a testosterone deficiency? The only clear way to find out for sure if you have low T is to get the proper blood test taken. The doctor who sends you for the blood work will analyze the results and be able to tell if you fall within the normal, high or low ranges for testosterone in the body.

If the physician decides that a person has a testosterone deficiency, he or she will diagnose the patient with such. The expert can then write an accurate prescription and a detailed, individualized treatment plan for the patient. When taking either testosterone injections or a cream, gel or jelly, a patient must always be provided with complete medical supervision by the doctor in charge.

According to experts, the different effective methods of testosterone deficiency treatment are:

  • Injections
  • Jelly, cream or gel
  • Pellets

Do not be fooled into thinking that any kind of oral testosterone pills, sprays or drops can help to raise testosterone levels appropriately. These products can be purchased over the counter and they do not work. Oral testosterone supplements do not contain enough medication to work. In addition, when they are swallowed, they will go to the stomach where they will be metabolized by the strong stomach acids. They will never reach the blood stream to be effective.

Testosterone Deficiency: Negative Effects

The greatest negative effect of a testosterone deficiency can be the loss of all quality of life. When a man does not have enough testosterone, he can start to develop symptoms that make him lethargic, depressed, weak and more. Loss of the proper amounts of testosterone can affect the person’s physical, mental, emotional and sexual health.

When not feeling well due to a testosterone deficiency, a person can be experiencing anything from mild to severe and even dangerous negative effects. Heart problems from low T can be quite dangerous. Depression can be draining. No energy can create weight gain and spiral from there into heart conditions or depression. As you can see, there is a link between negative effects from low T.

These negative effects can spill over into other parts of his life such as relationships (personal and social) and work performance. Lack of enough testosterone for both men and women can have a great impact on their lives and on the lives of those around them.

Signs and Symptoms Of Low T For Men And Women

Most of the signs and symptoms of a testosterone deficiency for men and women are similar. Differences will occur mostly when it comes to sexual issues, but other problems that arise due to low T will affect both genders.

Although men may feel issues more than women from lack of the proper amount of testosterone in the body, both sexes will be affected in many of the same ways as mentioned in the chart below.

Symptoms for Men Symptoms for Women
Lethargy/lack of energy Lethargy/lack of energy
Less stamina, endurance and vitality Less stamina, endurance and vitality
Weight gain Weight gain
Loss of lean muscle mass Loss of lean muscle mass
Slowed metabolism Slowed metabolism
Erectile dysfunction Vaginal dryness
Lack of sexual desire Hot flashes and night sweats
Inability to maintain an erection More difficulty with menopausal symptoms
Difficulty concentrating or focusing Loss of sexual desire
Difficulty with memory Difficulty with concentrating or focusing
Weakened bone mineral density Difficulty with memory
More risk for developing osteoporosis Weakened bone mineral density
Higher risk for breaking or fracturing bones More risk for developing osteoporosis
Difficulty with healing Higher risk for breaking or fracturing bones
Body, muscle and joint aches and pains Difficulty with healing
Sleeping difficulties Body, muscle and joint aches and pains
Less acute eyesight Sleeping difficulties
Mild depression Less acute eyesight
Anxiety Mild depression
Irritability Anxiety
Mood swings Irritability
Agitation or anger outbursts Mood swings
Stronger skin elasticity Stronger skin elasticity
Less facial wrinkles, crow’s feet or sagging skin Less facial wrinkles, crow’s feet or sagging skin
Thicker growing hair Thicker growing hair
The end of balding Hair loss
Nails that grow Nails that grow
Higher LDL cholesterol levels Higher LDL cholesterol levels
Higher risk for heart attack or stroke Higher risk for heart attack or stroke
A healthier heart rate A healthier heart rate

For more information about testosterone deficiency effects, the benefits of treatment for the condition and if you might qualify for therapy, reach out to us. You can fill out our online contact form and an expert clinical advisor will call you at your convenience.

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