How to Use Norditropin Injections, How to Administer Norditropin

Norditropin is a prescription medicine. It is a form of human growth hormone prescribed for various medical conditions, including growth hormone deficiency in children and for adults growth hormone issues. In fact, it is one of the most popular and effective brands of human growth hormone prescribed to treat adults with “age-related” growth hormone deficiency.norditropin_needles

This prescription medicine can be administered with standard Norditropin needles, or it also comes in an easy-to-use pen device, making it convenient for at-home administration.

To use Norditropin human growth hormone injections effectively, you should understand the proper way to handle, inject, and store the medication. Following these guidelines will ensure that you receive the full benefits of your human growth hormone treatment while minimizing the risk of complications or adverse effects.

Do not be intimidated by the idea of having to self-inject Norditropin. Millions of people give themselves human growth hormone injections every day without incident. It is not hard to learn how to give yourself human growth hormone injections. Whether you are using Norditropin needles or a Norditropin pen, your physician, PA, or other healthcare practitioner will make sure you are thoroughly trained on how to prepare and administer your Norditropin injections.

Norditropin Injection Sites

Choosing the right injection site is crucial for the effectiveness and comfort of your Norditropin therapy. Injection site reactions are one of the most common adverse effects of this drug. Injection site reactions can be minimized by following these instructions on the selection and rotation of injection sites for the administration of this prescription medicine.

Norditropin is typically administered subcutaneously (under the skin) in fatty tissue areas. The most common injection sites include:

  1. Thighs: The front or outer part of the thigh is an ideal injection site.
  2. Stomach (Abdomen): Injections should be given at least 2 inches away from the belly button.
  3. Buttocks: The upper outer quadrant is recommended to avoid nerves and blood vessels.
  4. Upper Arms: The back of the arm is another suitable location, but this can be more challenging to reach on your own.

Important Tip: Rotate injection sites regularly to avoid irritation, scarring, or fat tissue breakdown (lipodystrophy). Using a new site each time for this prescription medicine will also help reduce discomfort and ensure consistent absorption of the hormone.

Best Practices for Giving a Norditropin Injection

This medication is given via subcutaneous injection. Giving yourself a Norditropin injection is not difficult, especially once you have received proper training from your health care provider. The instructions are the same for male or female patients.

  1. Wash Your Hands Thoroughly: Always start with clean hands to prevent contamination.
  2. Clean the Injection Site: Use an alcohol swab to disinfect the chosen area and allow it to air dry.
  3. Inspect the Norditropin Pen: Before beginning your subcutaneous injection Check the pen’s expiration date, make sure the liquid is clear, and verify that the dose setting is correct.
  4. Prime the Pen: Follow the instructions specific to your Norditropin pen type to ensure the device is primed correctly. Check the pen for air bubbles or any particulate matter.
  5. Pinch the Skin: Gently pinch the skin to create a firm surface for the needle to penetrate.
  6. Insert the Needle Quickly: Use a 90-degree angle for thicker tissue or a 45-degree angle if the tissue is thin. This helps reduce pain and bruising.
  7. Inject the Medication Slowly: Press the injection button down slowly and steadily to administer the correct dose.
  8. Remove the Needle: Pull the needle out in the same direction it was inserted. Do not rub the area after the injection to minimize irritation.

How to Inject Norditropin: Step-By-Step

  1. Prepare the Pen and Needle: Remove the paper tab and attach a new needle to the Norditropin FlexPro pen. Pull off the outer needle cap and dispose of it. Wipe with an alcohol gauze pad.
  2. Set the Dose: Turn the dose selector on the Norditropin FlexPro until the desired dose is visible in the dose window.
  3. Prime the Pen (First Time Use Only): Point the Norditropin FlexPro pen upward, and press the button until a drop of liquid appears at the tip.
  4. Select an Injection Site: Choose an appropriate site as listed above and disinfect the area.
  5. Insert the Needle: Hold the pen at the correct angle and push the needle into the skin.
  6. Deliver the Dose: Press the dose button, push button all the way down and hold for at least 5 seconds to ensure the full dose is delivered.
  7. Remove the Needle and Dispose: Carefully remove the needle and dispose of it in an FDA-approved, puncture-resistant container.

How to Inject Norditropin: Safety Precautions

  1. Never Share Your Norditropin Pen: Sharing your pen can result in the transmission of infections.
  2. Check for Allergic Reactions: Signs of an allergic reaction include rash, itching, or swelling at the injection site. Contact your healthcare provider if these occur.
  3. Inspect the Solution: Norditropin should be clear and colorless. If you notice particles or discoloration, do not use the medication.
  4. Avoid Injections into Bruised or Tender Areas: Choose a different site to prevent complications.
  5. Consult with Your Doctor Before Adjusting Doses: Never alter your dose without consulting your healthcare provider.
  6. Disposable needles are considered hazardous waste. Follow all state and community guidelines for trashing disposable needles.

How to Use a Norditropin FlexPro 10 Mg Pen

The FlexPro pen is one of the most commonly prescribed injection devices for growth hormone. Here is the basic injection technique of how to use the FlexPro injection device.

  1. Remove the Pen Cap: Attach a new needle to the Norditropin FlexPro pen.
  2. Prime the Pen (First Time Use): Turn the dose selector on the Norditropin FlexPro until a small droplet is visible.
  3. Set the Dose: Dial the dose selector on the Norditropin FlexPro to the prescribed dose.
  4. Choose the Injection Site: Disinfect the skin and let it dry.
  5. Inject the Dose: Hold the Norditropin FlexPro pen firmly against the skin and press the dose button.
  6. Remove the Needle and Store: Dispose of the needle properly and store the Norditropin FlexPro pen in the refrigerator.

How to Use a Norditropin FlexPro 30 Mg Pen

  1. Attach the Needle: Twist a new needle onto the Norditropin FlexPro.
  2. Prime the Pen: Push the dose button on the Norditropin FlexPro until a droplet appears at the needle tip.
  3. Set the Dose: Rotate the Norditropin FlexPro selector to match your prescribed dose.
  4. Inject the Medication: Use a steady hand to inject the Norditropin FlexPro at a 90-degree angle.
  5. Hold for 5 Seconds: Ensure the full dose is delivered by keeping the needle in place for 5 seconds.
  6. Remove and Dispose of the Needle: Dispose of the needle in a sharps container.

What Are the Potential Side Effects of Norditropin Injections?

Like any prescription medicine, Norditropin may cause side effects. Common side effects include:


  • Redness, pain, or swelling at the injection site.
  • Severe itching or skin rashes.
  • Headaches.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Knee pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Joint pain.
  • Swelling in the hands or feet (edema).
  • Glucose intolerance and increases in blood glucose levels.
  • Muscle pain.

Rare but serious side effects, including death in people with critical illnesses can occur. Other serious side effects and adverse reactions include:

  • Iincrease in pressure in the skull (intracranial hypertension).
  • Decrease in thyroid hormone levels leading to hypothyroidism, fatigue and weight gain).
  • anaphylactic reactions.
  • High blood sugar (hyperglycemia).
  • Severe fatigue
  • Return of cancer or increased risk of tumor growth in people with active cancer.
  • This medication can impact thyroid hormone levels.
  • Watch for severe stomach pain, as this could be a sign of pancreatitis.
  • Infections other than at the injection sight can occur such as ear infection and flu-like symptoms indicative of respiratory infection.

Your risk of side effects and adverse reactions can be significantly reduced by only taking your exact dose being aware of all warnings and precautions and always following the advice of you healthcare provider.

Warnings and Contraindications

Do not use this medication in pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome or who are severely obese, or have a history of severe upper airway obstruction, or have severe respiratory impairment or critical illness that can increase the risk of sudden death due to respiratory failure.

Patients with Prader-Willi syndrome should be evaluated for signs of upper airway obstruction and sleep apnea before initiation.

Do not use if your healthcare provider tells you that you have certain types of eye problems caused by diabetes (diabetic retinopathy).

Norditropin should not be used in children with closed bone growth plates.

Decreased thyroid hormone levels may affect how well this drug performs. Your healthcare provider will do blood tests to check your or your thyroid hormone levels throughout your treatment with human growth hormone.

This medication can cause increased phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone levels in your blood.

Other potentially serious adverse reactions have been described in the prescribing information for this product, such as, mortality in patients with acute critical illness and sudden death in children with Prader-Willi syndrome.

Do not use this product if you have a critical illness caused by certain types of heart surgery or stomach surgery, trauma, or breathing (respiratory) problems. Avoid this medication if you are a child with Prader-Willi syndrome who is severely obese or has breathing problems, including sleep apnea.hgh_storage

Do not use this drug if you have active cancer, growth of cancer or a tumor that is already present can occur.

  • Never take a larger dose than prescribed. Larger doses may cause rapid growth in children, improper growth response, or other complications.
  • Watch for limp in children, knee pain hip pain or weight loss.
  • Do not store this medication in direct light.

This drug may interact with other prescription medications. Tell your doctor about any drugs you may be taking including herbal supplements and over the counter medicines.

Whether using Norditropin pens or traditional Norditropin needles, always make sure to rotate your injection sites to avoid tissue weakness, infection and a chance of injection site reactions or other allergic reactions.

Proper Disposal of Norditropin Pens and Needles

Used needles and pens must be disposed of safely to prevent injury and contamination. Follow these guidelines for proper disposal:

  1. Use a Sharps Container: Always place used needles in an FDA-approved sharps container.
  2. Do Not Reuse Needles: Reusing needles can dull them and increase the risk of infection.
  3. Never Throw Needles in Household Trash: This can pose a danger to others. Instead, use a designated sharps disposal facility.
  4. Dispose of Empty Pens: Once your Norditropin pen is empty, it can be discarded following your local regulations or returned to a medical facility.

What Is the Price of Norditropin Injections?

The price of Norditropin in the US can vary depending on the method of payment, where you buy your human growth hormone injections from, and any type of coupon or discount program available. According to most legitimate sellers of this medication, the average retail price for Norditropin FlexPro is $950.31 per 1.5ML pen.

With a coupon, for example, a manufacturer’s coupon or card from the SingleCare discount program can reduce the price to $641.17 per 1.5ML pen.

There may be financial assistance available for this drug from the manufacturer’s Novo-Care program.

How to Legally Buy Norditropin Injections in the US

Norditropin is a prescription medication. It cannot be purchased in the US without a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider. To legally obtain Norditropin, follow these steps:

  1. Consult with a Licensed Healthcare Provider: You will need to undergo a medical evaluation to determine if Norditropin is the appropriate treatment for your condition.
  2. Get a Prescription: If Norditropin is deemed necessary, your doctor will provide a prescription, which you can use to purchase the medication from a licensed pharmacy.
  3. Order from a Licensed Pharmacy: Ensure you are ordering Norditropin from a reputable, licensed pharmacy. Never purchase growth hormone medications from unverified online sources, as these may be counterfeit or unsafe.

These three steps to acquiring a prescription for Norditropin injections can all be done through the professional health advisors and healthcare providers at Nexel Medical. You can get the process rolling by clicking on our Getting Started link.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is provided for educational purposes. It is not intended to be or replace proper medical advice or instructions from your healthcare provider or pharmacist on how to administer Norditropin injections.

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