Where to Get Testosterone Injections in the USA

Testosterone injections are prescribed to treat men with testosterone deficiency, a condition also known as low testosterone, or “low T.”

While testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is an effective treatment for low T, you can only get testosterone injections in the US with a doctor’s prescription. You cannot legally purchase testosterone at any price without a prescription. You can buy injectable testosterone online. However, doing so can sometimes be risky business if you do not follow the advice on these pages on how to get male hormone injections safely and legally in the US.

There are different types of testosterone injections for sale in the US, and their prices do vary. However, you should never, ever try to save money on the price of TRT by buying it illegally without a prescription. Buying testosterone injections on the “black market” is not only against the law, but it can also be hazardous to your health. It can be extremely dangerous to take testosterone that has not been prescribed for you by a doctor. Serious health complications, and even death, can be the result.

buy testosterone injections online

Testosterone Injections for Sale – A Comprehensive Guide

Testosterone is one of the most important androgens or male hormones. It plays a significant role in a man’s health, influencing everything from your physical strength to your mental abilities and sexual performance. As critical as testosterone is to a man’s overall health, it is an unfortunate fact of life that your testosterone level drops as you age. In fact, it has been estimated that more than one-third of men over 40 suffer from low T.

With testosterone being so important to a man’s vitality and low T among aging men being so common, it has made many men wonder about how to safely buy testosterone injections.

How to Get a Prescription for Testosterone Injections

Despite what you may have heard or possibly read online, you cannot legally buy injectable testosterone online — or anywhere else, for that matter, without first getting a prescription. Legitimate injectable testosterone, of any dosage or any brand, is a controlled substance in the US and is only legally available with a doctor’s prescription. Any such injections that you can apparently buy online without a prescription should be avoided. Not only is this being sold illegally, but chances are it is an inferior version of testosterone, if the product even contains any testosterone at all! This means buying testosterone online without a prescription can be useless at best and extremely hazardous at worst.

TRT for sale

However, that being said, it is not that difficult to get a legal prescription for testosterone therapy. Getting a prescription for TRT starts with seeing a doctor or other healthcare professional licensed to prescribe medication. This initial consultation can be done in person or virtually via a legitimate telemedicine visit. After going over your symptoms and medical history, if the practitioner suspects you might indeed have lower-than-normal testosterone levels, you will be referred to a lab to have your blood drawn and your testosterone levels tested.

If your tests do indicate that you have low T and can benefit from testosterone replacement therapy, you will be given a prescription for testosterone injections. Testosterone therapy is available in other forms; however, most prescribers agree that testosterone injections are the safest and most effective way to deliver TRT to their patients.

Pros and Cons of Testosterone Injections

As mentioned above, TRT can be given in many forms, including gels, topical creams, or skin patches. However, injectable testosterone has more advantages or “pros” than “cons” when compared to these other delivery methods.

First of all, injectable testosterone is introduced directly into the bloodstream, which makes it more immediately available than these other methods that require slow absorption below the skin’s surface. Furthermore, should you need to have your dosage of TRT modified for any reason, there are far more brands and dosage options available with testosterone injections than there are with gels or other topical applications.

Testosterone injections

Finally, a major issue with testosterone creams, gels, and patches is the danger of cross-contamination should women, and particularly children, come into contact with the testosterone on your skin or clothing.

None of this is to say that there are no cons or potential side effects of injectable testosterone. As with any drug, there are some possible side effects of testosterone injections, the most common of which are injection site reactions. That problem can mostly be avoided by following proper sterile procedures when giving your injections and rotating your injection site. Other serious side effects of injectable testosterone are rare and can usually be mitigated by adjusting your dose or changing your brand of injectable testosterone. This is all the more reason why you should get your testosterone injections only from a legitimate and respected source and use it only as directed and with proper medical supervision.

Buying Testosterone Injections Online – A Closer Look

You can buy injectable testosterone online, but there is a right way and a wrong way to do so; let’s take a closer look at how to legally and safely buy injectable testosterone online.

where to buy TRT

How to Buy Injectable Testosterone Online

Once again, in order to buy genuine testosterone online, you must have a prescription. Details on how to get a prescription have already been discussed. But even once you have legally obtained your prescription, buying testosterone online should be approached with caution. Adhering to the following guidelines will help ensure your safety.

Is It Safe and Legal to Buy Testosterone Injections Online?

It can be safe and legal to buy injectable testosterone online, but only if you are aware of the possible pitfalls you can run into and know how to avoid them. Buying testosterone online, particularly buying testosterone injections from anywhere willing to sell them to you without a prescription, can open you up to several risks. Even if you have a prescription, buying testosterone from less than reputable sources online can expose you to counterfeit testosterone products. Such products are substandard and may be made with ineffective ingredients, or they may contain dangerous impurities. Also, they often do not contain the actual dose of testosterone the labels claim to be.

How to Avoid Scams When Buying Testosterone Shots

The best way to avoid scams when buying testosterone shots online is to only buy from a legitimate distributor that meets all federal regulations for selling testosterone online. So, how do you recognize a legitimate seller from a scam? First of all, any site that does not require a medical evaluation, lab work, and a prescription before selling your testosterone is, number one, selling it illegally, and number two, probably selling counterfeit testosterone. Let’s dive a little deeper into how to avoid scams when purchasing injectable testosterone online.

Buy Testosterone Online

Verifying the Legitimacy of Sellers of Testosterone Injections

The best way to verify the legitimacy of an online injectable testosterone seller is to make sure you are only purchasing from a site that is in compliance with all DEA guidelines for the prescription and sale of testosterone online. These guidelines include:

  • The patient being prescribed and purchasing testosterone online must have a health condition requiring TRT that has been diagnosed by a healthcare provider with whom there is a legitimate doctor/patient relationship.
  • After an initial consultation, a preliminary blood panel is required.
  • Documentation that the doctor and patient have discussed the risks and benefits of using testosterone based on the patient’s lab values, medical history, and symptom profile.
  • The physician and pharmacy operating online must be based and licensed within the United States. Some states additionally require that the physician writing the prescription for testosterone be licensed in the same state that the patient is ordering from.

Any website or, “online pharmacy” or “testosterone clinic” that will allow you to buy testosterone injections without following the above guidelines should be avoided. Please understand these guidelines are not put in place to keep you from getting testosterone or to make you pay more for it. They are there for your safety. Testosterone is a controlled substance for a reason. Powerful hormones such as testosterone injections have been created to treat legitimate medical conditions; they should not be used lightly or without proper medical supervision. Abuse or misuse of testosterone can result in serious complications, even death!

Ensuring a Safe and Legal Purchase of Testosterone Injections

If you suspect you have low testosterone and have a legitimate need to buy testosterone injections, you can feel safe ordering from Nexel Medical or anyone we refer you to. Our website, our prescribers, our affiliated doctors, and pharmacists are 100% compliant with all federal and state laws regarding the prescription and sale of testosterone injections online. Our medical team has created a simple, safe, and legal process for you to get injectable testosterone.

Just click fill out the Get Started form. One of our representatives will contact you and, after asking a few questions about your age and symptoms, invite you to make an appointment for your initial exam, and then we will take it from there.

If our doctors think you may be the right fit for testosterone replacement therapy, we will schedule lab work to have your hormone levels tested. Should your lab tests reveal that you have low testosterone, you will be prescribed the necessary dosage and regimen of testosterone injections that best meet your budget, symptoms, and lifestyle.


It is important to understand that getting testosterone injections is legal and safer than ever as long as you’re working with a reputable company like ours. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, strict guidelines on telemedicine and online pharmaceutical sales have been put in place to ensure patient privacy and safety.

We pride ourselves in complying with all of these federal guidelines as well as an overall commitment to making patient safety our number one priority.

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